Has Sissy sold you a pumpkin yet? She can make a pitch with the best of them. At last count she’s sold pumpkins to two teachers, five friends, and two sets of grandparents. The problem? The pumpkins she’s selling are still little seeds sitting on a shelf in the closet.

It all started last summer when Sissy and Potato Boy visited their grandparents for a week. Somewhere along the way they got the notion of setting up a lemonade stand.

The Initial Sibling Partnership

They set up shop during one or two of the warm afternoons. Sissy immediately took to the sales side of things. Though I fear Potato Boy drank most of the profits, they both were extremely proud of the bag of change they brought home.

Potato Boy Drinking The Profits While Sissy Works Sales

Fast forward a few months to October when our two entrepreneurs saw a rural road-side pumpkin stand when we were driving to visit family one weekend. They instantly had images of “Sissy and Potato Boy’s Grand Pumpkin Mart” and asked if they could sell pumpkins next year like they did with the lemonade. My response: “sure, but you need to grow all of the pumpkins yourself.” That didn’t deter them.

So, last night I cleared a small section near the grass waterway that runs through our property and prepared it for pumpkin seeds by adding three short rows of compost. I’ll help clear a few more weeds, but after that it’s all theirs. Next week Sissy and Potato Boy will plant the seeds they’ve managed to acquire from the pumpkins, gourdes, and winter squash used for decorations last Halloween and Thanksgiving by us and some of their grandparents. From there, the agreement is that as long as they maintain the patch they get to sell what it produces.

Feel free to place your order with Sissy… I just wouldn’t make a down payment just yet. We’ll be sure to keep you posted on how it goes!